Timelapse video on a Raspberry Pi

Here is an experiment I did on my Dad’s Raspberry Pi after reading an article in the MagPi.

To take a timelapse video:

$ mkdir pics
$ raspistill -w 1920 -h 1080 -t 120000 -tl 5000 -o pics/test%04d.jpg


-t is the total time to run in milliseconds
-tl is the time interval in milliseconds between each picture

To record 10 hour timelapse starting at 7am tomorrow (pic every 60 secs):

$ at 7:00 AM tomorrow
raspistill -w 1920 -h 1080 -t 36000000 -tl 60000 -o pics/test%04d.jpg

To convert the individual pictures to a video:

$ cd pics
$ avconv -framerate 10 -i test%04d.jpg -crf 4 -b:v 10M video.webm

Here is the result (link)

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